A young farmer named Cameron Sheldrake has created a healthier tortilla chip, Off the Cob. His chips are made from the fresh picked sweet corn grown at his family’s Early Bird Farm in Ithaca, New York. After winning $20,000 from Babson College’s business plan competition, and raising $15,000 on Kickstarter, Sheldrake started selling bags of Off the Cob in several Whole Foods stores in the New England area.
[Sweet Corn Tortilla Chips Lightly Salted at Amazon]
The ingredients are simple: Organic whole ground corn, expeller pressed sunflower oil and/or safflower oil, sweet corn, evaporated cane juice, and sea salt. Bags of Off the Cob also have all the good food labels: non-GMO, gluten free, zero trans fats, cholesterol free, no artificial colors or preservatives, and it’s kosher. A six-pack costs $20 (free shipping), a 12-pack costs $30 (+$5 shipping).