Hold on to your extensions, the season 4 premiere of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is about to drop. There are tons of messy storylines to follow including the repercussions from Mimi’s sex tape and Erica’s child-support issues with Scrappy. But it’s Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez who steal the show. Stevie J goes to rehab and then criminal charges are filed against him for not paying child support. Meanwhile, his lady Joseline continues to fight rumors that she’s a prostitute and a junkie.
Most of those rumors are coming from Joseline’s former LHHA co-star Althea Heart, the one Joseline beat up during last season’s reunion show. Althea is suing Joseline. Althea said Joseline was “high on crack cocaine before physically assaulting her.” While testifying in a videotaped deposition, Joseline said a lot of the “realty show” is acting. Joseline said she and the rest of the cast members “stick to a script.” So was the reunion rage displayed by Joseline in the script? Love & Hip Hop Atlanta airs Mondays at 8pm on VH1.