Suicide Squad director David Ayer released a photo of actor Jared Leto as the Joker. Leto’s holding his green head of hair with his cavity-filled mouth wide open. A pinky ring, purple glove and HaHaHaHa tattoos sprayed against on his pale naked arm and chest are the finishing touches.
ScreenRant says: “It’s safe to assume even the most original ideas and outlandish concept have been outdone, now that the first official image of the Clown Prince of Crime has been revealed.” The photo was released to celebrate the villain’s 75th anniversary so it might not be the final look but it does hint at Ayer’s direction. Compared to the “more comedic, clean-cut” Joker of Batman (1989) portrayed by Jack Nicholson, the Joker of the 21st century Suicide Squad will be “a truly psychopathic version of far more adult versions.” Suicide Squad will be in theaters on August 5, 2016.