On the ABC crime drama Secrets and Lies, Ben Crawford (Ryan Phillippe) is one of the suspects in the murder of his 5-year-old neighbor, Tom. Detective Cornell (Juliette Lewis) is on the case but won’t share details with Ben and his wife Christy (KaDee Strickland) except that the DNA test proved Ben is the biological father of the dead boy Tom. When Det. Cornell shows up at the Crawford house, asking to see the receipt for Ben’s missing flashlight – (possibly the murder weapon) – Ben breaks a sweat. He thought Tom’s absentee “father” Scott Murphy was in custody.
Scott Murphy is portrayed by Benjamin Ciaramello, the eldest son of six born to an Italian Gypsy. The 33-year-old has appeared on many TV shows including Grey’s Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, Private Practice and Castle, but “Benny” is best known for his role as Santiago Herrera, the juvy kid who joined the football team on Friday Night Lights.