In the premiere of the TV drama Secrets and Lies, Ben Crawford (Ryan Phillippe) finds the body of his neighbor’s five-year-old son. Crawford quickly becomes the prime suspect and he and his family – his wife and two daughters, one of whom is the dead boy’s babysitter – are caught in a wild media firestorm. Determined to find the real killer, Ben launches his own investigation – separate from the detective (Juliette Lewis), who seems determined to nail him for the murder.
Ben Crawford is married to Christy, who dropped out of college after getting pregnant. Now she’s a real estate agent and the breadwinner of the family. The tension between Ben and Christy is thick with lots of different layers – money, sex, doubt, guilt. Christy is portrayed by KaDee Strickland who’s best known for her role as Charlotte King on the ABC drama Private Practice. Strickland said she was a new mom when she first read the script and couldn’t put it down.