is celebrating a scientific link between “women with bigger tush” and “smarter children.” People are excited about it, too. Vergara’s post has been shared 66,000 times. That’s a lot–that’s 33% more people, for instance, than voted for the last elected mayor of San Antonio. People need to know.
The big butt brilliant children science cited by Vergara’s site actually exists: researchers at UCSB and the University of Pittsburgh found that fat-bottomed girls–to borrow Freddie Mercury’s term of endearment–may have smarter kids. Or as the science puts it “gluteofemoral fat” may have a “privileged store of neurodevelopmental resources.” (Yet another box to check for people selecting a surrogate mother. Baby got back? Check!) And you thought smart kids made this rockin’ world go round? Starts earlier than that, with some cushion.