The thing is, 4-year-olds can’t insult anybody. They don’t have an agenda. They aren’t packing heat between the lines of their conversation. The only thing 4-year-olds are packing is curiosity. Sometimes people can forget about innocence–especially if we’re already angry. Ash Beckham used to be angry, which can mess with your humanity, but she was jolted out of it by a 4-year-old who had a question: “Are you a boy or are you a girl?”
Ash looked down with heat of her own until she recognized the girl’s innocence and pure curiosity for what it was. Ash wears her hair short and boys clothes, as she explains, so she can see how it might be confusing. But she’s all girl. The two go on to discuss pajamas and pancakes. Then Ash discusses quite a bit more. Listen up. You’ll feel enlightened.