A survey by a British camera app maker found some surprising news: you only have 16GB of storage on your iPhone. That is, unless you’re the one person out of ten who opts for more storage when you’re at the Apple store. Base model iPhones come with 16GB–Apple ditched the 8GB option in 2013. But Apple’s strategy is to upsell customers to the 64GB or 128GB package. It’s like when the waiter asks you if you want dessert.
The survey discovered that, at least in the UK, you’re not buying the extra storage–even if not having extra storage renders a lot of your iPhone’s cool stuff pretty useless. (The survey took its data from the UK mobile carrier Telefonica/O2.) Apps, photos, music, etc. eat up storage on your phone, even if you embrace the cloud. But if you’re one of those people–and chances are you are–who haven’t opted to upgrade your iPhone storage, you’re in good company.