Nintendo’s darker Zelda game, Majora’s Mask, will be remade for the Nintendo 3DS, the company’s 3D handheld console. The story was first released in 2000. The story follows Link as he tries to stop the moon from crashing into his planet, and in just three days. Players must send Link back in time to figure out how to avoid the collision.
Majora’s Mask sold about 3.36 million copies worldwide. Nintendo made another Zelda in 2011 – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – that sold 7.6 million copies worldwide. says “Majora’s Mask is the strangest, saddest, most memorable Zelda, the one that strays furthest from the conventions of the series. It did things that no Zelda since has done; actually it did things that no game since has done. Majora’s Mask was released at a time when games didn’t really do ’emotions.'” Imagine how those “emotions” will appear in 3D. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D will be released in Spring 2015.