Bravo’s new reality show Jersey Belle follows Jaime Primak Sullivan, a PR executive who’s been transplanted from her beloved New Jersey to the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama. She and her husband and three kids have been living in the South for the past few years but she hasn’t fully assimilated. With her harsh Jersey accent, love of black leather jackets, tattoos, and overall urban flair, she sticks out like a sore thumb. That famous Southern charm hasn’t rubbed off on her either, yet.
Sullivan is getting more involved in the production aspect of work. She’s a co-producer of Jersey Belle and is getting into film now. Bustle reports that Sullivan has two film projects in the works, “one a comedy inspired by her trip to Alabama and the other a horror film.” There’s no truth to the suspicions that they’re the same movie. The latter is called Fear Followers; it’s about a group of college friends who seek out haunted houses and find themselves trapped inside of one. It takes some inspiration from how Sullivan feels at a Southern tea party.