TV sitcom star Debra Messing (Will & Grace, Smash) is at it again on NBC. She embodies a self-deprecating, single mother of two on The Mysteries of Laura. The mysteries refers to how a working woman can manage to juggle two bratty kids (twins!) and work (she’s a New York City homicide detective), and we imagine down the road some sort of romance. If the show makes it that long.
Matt Roush of TV Guide doesn’t have high hopes for The Mysteries of Laura. He wrote: “There’s no denying Messing’s star presence, but a scene in which she’s chewing out her estranged hubby (Josh Lucas) on the phone while wearing Spanx is beneath her, and us, in its clichéd, condescending notion of the supposedly hilarious situation of a single working mom.” Ouch. The one thing that Mysteries of Laura has going for it is its premiere time slot: it will follow the finale of America’s Got Talent, September 17 at 10/9c on NBC.