Sinead O’Connor is at first haunted by, then throws away, images of her youth in her new video, “Take Me To Church.” The Irish singer’s new single is about releasing yourself from the past, a past that has been a weight around her, musically speaking. “I don’t wanna sing from where I sang before” she sings while images from the video “Nothing Compares 2 U”are projected on her face.
Using her own musical legacy is a canny move, coming as it does on the heels of the singer’s spat with Miley Cyrus last year after Her Twerkness dared to imitate the Bald One’s most famous video. In her new single O’Connor begs to be taken to church, “but not the ones that hurt,” a sign that although she is ready to forgive herself, she’s still mistrustful of the Catholic Church.