Former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, now chief of the Sarah Palin Channel, gives the dystopian film The Giver two thumbs up. Adapted from Lois Lowry’s young adult novel, The Giver “offers a positive pro-life and pro-liberty message,” writes Palin on her Facebook page. Even though the film stars Hollywood liberals like Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges, “It depicts,” according to Palin, “a society where the government has grown well beyond a nanny state. This must-see movie conveys critical truths about our culture and a message Ronald Reagan would approve of.”
More than 6500 of Palin’s “friends” liked the post. Trudy Vaughn left this comment: “Wonder if the libs in the movie did this because they understood or just needed the money?” Carol Bensing wrote: “As a conservative I will not spend one penny on a Hollywood movie knowing my money will go to leftist policies and politicians I detest.”