Rock and Roll’s Sammy Hagar, who’s best known for his screaming vocal style and the years he spent as the front man for Van Halen, is being sued by a woman he met in 1988. A Playboy Bunny at the time, the unnamed woman is suing Hagar for libel, invasion of privacy and breach of a confidentiality agreement. She claims she became pregnant with Hagar’s child 24 years ago and told him it was his (he was married at the time), but he denied it.
The suit stems from Hagar’s somewhat odd decision to address the alleged pregnancy and the death of the baby (the woman claims the infant died five days after birth) in his 2011 autobiography Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock. In the New York Times best-selling book, Hagar claims he was not the baby’s father, and that “there was no paternity test.”