Louis C.K.’s comedy-drama TV series on the FX Network, Louie, is about a newly single, sad and lonesome father raising two daughters in New York City. It’s a semi-fictional version of the comedian’s life. In its fourth season, Louie is nominated for an Emmy (Outstanding Comedy Series) and Louis C.K. is nominated for Outstanding Actor. The show has won Emmys before – Louis C.K. for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series (2012) and Melissa Leo for Outstanding Guest Actress (2013).
According to the show’s website: “Louis C.K. is the Creator, Executive Producer, Showrunner, Star, Director and Editor, and he also is involved in music for the show.” (He may or may not play the banjo.) Louie will return in spring 2015 for a fifth season that will include just seven episodes versus the 13 episodes of prior seasons. Louis C.K. has another show in the works—he’s starring in, writing and producing another comedy for FX featuring Hangover funnyman Zach Galifianakis. No word whether he’ll do the music, too.