In the Lifetime movie High School Lover, 17-year-old Kelly Winters (Paulina Singer) is wooed by an older, famous movie actor Christian Booth (François Arnaud). Kelly’s father Rick (James Franco) — who is dating a younger woman named Samantha — does not approve. When he voices his disapproval to Christian, Christian gets angry and violent and comes after the whole family including Rick’s girlfriend Samantha.
Samantha is portrayed by Julia Jones. She’s known for her roles on the TV shows Longmire (Gabriella Langton), ER (Dr. Kaya Montoya), in the Twilight Saga films (Leah Clearwater), and in the 2015 Adam Sandler movie The Ridiculous 6 (Smoking Fox). High School Lover airs Saturday, February 4 at 8pm on Lifetime.