ABC is reviving the classic TV game show Match Game and entertainer Alec Baldwin is the host. Match Game was huge in the late 1960s and 1970s. The host delivers questions like “When I asked my wife to make whoopee last night, she said why don’t we ___ instead.” The contestants try to figure out what the panel of celebrities are going to answer. One of the celebrity regulars was campy comedic actor Charles Nelson Reilly.
It just so happens that Alec Baldwin does a spot-on imitation of Charles Nelson Reilly on Match Game. He did his impersonation on an episode of Saturday Night Live where Reilly was being interviewed on Inside The Actors Studio with Will Ferrell as host James Lipton. Will Alec Baldwin do his Reilly on the show? It would be as Ferrell (as Lipton) would say, “Scrumtrulescent.” Match Game airs Sundays at 10pm on ABC.