When former reality TV star-turned-actress-turned-fashionista Nicole Richie shared the photos below, of her modeling the Spring Collection of her House of Harlow x Revolve collaboration, her husband of 12 years, rock star Joel Madden dropped a series of fire emojis.
Hours later, the Good Charlotte singer dropped his own newsworthy photo. As seen below, he added a new large tattoo — of a bird flying — to his neck. Tattoo artist Scott Campbell (ex-husband of actress/director Lake Bell) reports: “Full frontal shout out to his son Sparrow.”
Richie and Madden are the parents of two children together: a 15-year-old daughter named Harlow, and a 13-year-old son, Sparrow.
Note: Madden (above, pre-neck tattoo) is also the host of the revived reality TV competition Ink Master (now on Paramount+), where tattoo artists compete for the grand prize of $250,000 and the title of Ink Master. Fans of both Madden and Campbell are going wild over the new tattoo. More than replied: “Sick!”