The protagonist of the Hallmark Channel movie Nature of Love is city girl Katie (Emilie Ullerup, Chesapeake Shores), who has been assigned to write a magazine feature on a glamping resort. Not the outdoorsy type, Katie faces her fears trying the camp’s activities with Will (Christopher Russell), a ruggedly handsome nature guide. [So many Hallmark movies, streaming here.]
After learning how to ride a horse, fish, canoe, and enjoying long walks through fields of lavender, Katie and Will fall in love. Will’s resort co-worker Penny is portrayed by Donna Benedicto.
When not on a movie set, the gorgeous Canadian-born Donna Benedicto — who’s best known for her role as DEO Agent Reiff on Supergirl — is often in front of a camera and looking fabulous in a tiny string bikini as seen in the photos above and below.
When she posted the backside bikini pic below, one fan wrote: “cute booty!”
Nature of Love premieres on Hallmark on Saturday, April 18 at 8 pm. [Hallmark movies, stream ’em.]