On the Braxton Family Values episode “Engaged & Enraged,” tensions reach an all-time high during the sisters trip in Napa. The title refers to Tamar’s reaction to Trina’s surprise engagement. Two days before this episode airs, multiple Grammy winner Toni Braxton shared a video she made with her 16-year-old son Diezel Braxton-Lewis. In the car, Diezel sings along to the song “Bitches a Body” by Unocompac & Unocarti. Toni pulls her hoodie over her head and playfully dances along.
Some of Toni’s fans voiced their disapproval of the music selection. “Please don’t dance to this brain-damaging music” wrote one fan, but others applauded Toni for being the “coolest mom ever.” Note: In addition to running track, 6-foot-tall Diezel is a professional model represented by Wilhelmina in Los Angeles. Braxton Family Values airs Thursdays at 9 pm on WEtv.