In the season finale of Single Parents, “Ketchup,” Will (Taran Killan) is still determined to get his daughter into Lance Bass’ Space Camp. When Will finds out that Angie’s (Leighton Meester) ex Derek lives near Space Camp, Will convinces Angie to confront Derek about why left her when she was pregnant. They find Derek working at the drive-thru window at Ratso’s, where “a rowdy and awkward encounter between the three of them” ensues.
[Meester and Brody met while filming The Oranges]
Derek is portrayed by Adam Brody, Messter’s real-life husband of five years. (They are parents to 3-year-old daughter Arlo.) Brody is known for his roles on Crackle’s StartUp (Nick Talman), Billy & Billie (Billy), The League (Ted), Burning Love (Max), The O.C. (Seth Cohen), and Gilmore Girls (Dave Rygalski), among others. Brody is also recognized for his roles in films including Shazam! (Super Hero Freddy), CHiPs (Clay Allen), Think Like a Man Too (Isaac), and Thank You For Not Smoking (Jack). Single Parents airs Wednesdays at 9:30 pm on ABC, right after Modern Family and right before Whiskey Cavalier.