The protagonist of the Lifetime movie When Murder Calls (formerly titled Radio Silence) is relationship therapist, Dr. Jill Peterman. While on her popular call-in radio show, a female caller named Alexis calls in and commit suicide on-air. Jill vows never to return to radio. But after some time passes, she’s convinced by the station’s general manager Stuart Wells (John Ralston) to return and, alas, regrets it.
[Watch Haig as Sophie in ABC’s The Crossing]
Dr. Jill Peterman is portrayed by Georgina Haig. The Australian-born actress is known for her roles on The Crossing (Dr. Sophie Forbin), Limitless (Piper Baird, photos below), Once Upon a Time (Queen Elsa), Reckless (Lee Anne Marcus), and Fringe (Henrietta Bishop), among others. She’s also recognized for her role in the horror film Crawl as Marilyn Burns, for which she won Best Actress at Screamfest 2011. When Murder Calls premieres Friday, April 12 at 8 pm on LMN. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]