On The Real Housewives of New York City episode “Making Up Is Hard To Do,” Bethenny Frankel hosts a lunch hoping Dorinda Medley and Luann de Lesseps can hash out their issues. Good luck with that! Meanwhile, on a lighter note, Tinsley Mortimer gets a visit from her mother Dale Tatum Mercer, who wants answers about her relationship with Scott. When Tinsley points out to her mother that she’s wearing Tabitha Simmons shoes (Tabitha is married to Tinsley’s ex-husband Topper Mortimer), Dale smiles at her daughter and says, “I know that.”
[Dale wears Tabitha Simmons flats]
[Dale also wears a blouse with lips]
Tabitha Simmons is a successful shoe designer. She’s been in the business for ten years with celebrities including Charlize Theron and Kate Middleton wearing her stylish footwear. Actress Emma Roberts likes those flats too, in red (see photo below). The Real Housewives of New York City airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on Bravo. [Related: Who Was Tinsley Mortimer’s Millionaire Father George Mercer?]