The new drama Dirty John tells the real life story of Debra Newell (Connie Britton, Nashville), a four-time divorcee who met charming John Meehan (Eric Bana, The Time Traveler’s Wife) on a dating website. After dating for two months, they married in Vegas, to the chagrin of Newell’s adult children. When Newell filed for an annulment 16 months after the wedding, Meehan attacked Newell’s daughter Terra in a parking lot with a knife. She fought back and stabbed Meehan to death. The story was first chronicled by Los Angeles Times reporter Christopher Goffard, who created the popular podcast “Dirty John.”
Debra suffered a great tragedy before meeting “Dirty John” Meehan. Her older sister Cindi Vickers was shot dead by her possessive husband Billy Vickers, who shot himself immediately after and recovered. Cindi and Debra’s mother, Arlane Hart, a devout Christian, forgave Vickers when he apologized to her. Arlane forgave her son-in-law and told him she still loves him. Arlane Hart testified at Vickers’ trial and said she didn’t believe he had been in his right mind. Some in the court room say Arlane insinuated that Cindi mistreated her husband, who ended up getting a five-year sentence. He is remarried and still lives in Orange County.
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In the Bravo series Dirty John, Debra’s mother Arlane Hart is portrayed by Jean Smart. She’s is known for her roles on Legion (Dr. Melanie Bird), Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce (Katherine Miller), Fargo (Floyd Gerhardt), Samantha Who? (Regina Newly), 24 (Martha Logan), The District (Det. Sherry Regan), Frasier (girlfriend Lana Gardner, for which she won an Emmy Award, SEE LINK ABOVE), and Designing Women (Charlene Frazier Stillfield), among others. Dirty John airs Sundays at 10 pm on Bravo, right after The Real Housewives of Orange County.