The new E! celebrity reality TV show Ashlee+Evan follows married couple Ashlee Simpson (little sister of Jessica Simpson) and Evan Ross, son of Diana Ross. The two young singers married in 2014. They are parents to 3-year-old daughter Jagger. (Ashlee was married to Fall Out Boy member Pete Wentz, father of her first child, her son Bronx.) Evan was born Evan Olav Næss in Greenwich, Connecticut. His father is the late Norwegian businessman and mountaineer, Arne Næss Jr. His parents divorced in 2000. In 2004, Ross’ father was killed in a climbing accident near Cape Town, South Africa.
[Download Ashlee & Evan’s new single, I Do]
[Watch the first episode of Ashlee+Evan]
In the second episode of Ashlee+Evan, “She’s Back 102,” Evan tries to encourage his wife to release an unfinished song. But Ashlee knows “what one mistake can do to a career.” (Ashlee was infamously caught lip syncing a song on Saturday Night Live in 2004.) Simpson’s last album, Bittersweet World, was released 10 years ago in 2008. Evan turns to his father-in-law, “Papa Joe,” (who used to manage Ashlee’s music career) for advice. Ashlee+Evan airs Sundays at 10pm on E!