In the Lifetime movie Married to a Murderer, a wealthy young man named Ted (Austin Arnold) proposes to Emma (Anna Hutchison). During their engagement party, Ted’s twin brother Frank (Austin’s real life twin brother Aaron Arnold!) shows up. Ted is quick to ask Frank how long he plans to be in town. The appearance of Frank has Emma asking Ted what happened to their mother Karen. Ted says she left, but Emma is told by a man named Marcus that she’s dead. Now who is Emma supposed to believe or trust?
[Check out Cheyenne Jackson on American Horror Story]
Marcus is portrayed by 6’4″ model/actor/singer Cheyenne Jackson. He’s known for his roles on American Horror Story (Will Drake, Dr. Rudy Vincent, Sidney James — see link above), Kyle Richards’ American Woman (Greg), 30 Rock (Liz’s Canadian boyfriend Danny Baker), and Glee (Dustin Gollsby), among others. Fun fact: Cheyenne is the father of (almost 2 year old) twins with husband Jason Landau. Married to a Murderer premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, August 18 at 8pm.