My 600-lb Life follows 49-year-old Lisa Fleming. Weighing 704 lbs and living in the bed where her mother died of obesity, Lisa knew it was time to do something. The red flag that got her to make an appointment with Dr. Now in Houston was the discovery of maggots in the folds of her skin. Before the paramedics arrive to her home to get her out of the bed for her trip to Houston, she asks for a last-minute bowl of Fruit Loops. Her daughter gives it to her. After eating the cereal, seven paramedics surround Lisa and lift her up. Lisa screams, “Hit me, daddy! Hit me!” And then she announces in a sing-song voice, “And I’m comin’ off the bed!”
When the paramedics get her off the bed, she tells one of the men, “I told you my foolishness works.” Lisa is then carried off in a cloth stretcher by the paramedics. My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays at 8pm on TLC.