In the beginning of the Lifetime movie A Tale of Two Coreys, viewers watch teen idols Corey Feldman (Stand By Me, Gremlins) and the late Corey Haim (Murphy’s Romance, Lucas) meet for the first time. The first movie they filmed together was the 1987 hit The Lost Boys. When they met in 1980s, Canadian-born Haim was impressed that Feldman was friends with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, who had just released Thriller, still the world’s best selling album.
[Corey Feldman’s memoir is Coreyography]
In A Tale of Two Coreys, Michael Jackson is portrayed by Brandon Howard aka B. Howard. The 36-year-old singer/songwriter/producer is the son of R&B singer Miki Howard, who was managed by Michael Jackson’s father Joe Jackson in the 1980s. Howard refers to the Jackson family as “my family.” He’s listed as songwriter and producer on Ne-Yo’s 2006 song “I Ain’t Gotta Tell Ya,” songwriter on Bow Bow’s 2007 song “Can’t Get Tired of Me,” and producer on Latoya Jackson’s 2014 song “Feels Like Love,” among others. A Tale of Two Coreys premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, January 6 at 8pm. It will be followed by the Lifetime Original Special: Corey Feldman: Moment of Truth.