Just five days before the annual retail holiday Black Friday comes the Season 2 finale of The Toy Box. The seven finalists from each episode return to The Toy Box. It’s that once in a lifetime kind of moment where kids get to decide the fate of adults. The toy that wins the most votes from The Toy Box kid judges will be made by Mattel and sold exclusively at Toys ‘R Us. Here are the seven finalists of The Toy Box Season 2:
- Dustin Berk — NINJA CARDS, $30 throwing card game
- Shep Poor — CLICKEYBITS, $20 fidget toy
- Doyle Perry — ARCHIPELAGOLF, $49 golf set with ball launcher
- Bob Windt — HOVERCRAFT, Bob broke the world’s record for hovercraft speed
- Nate Eaton — WATER DODGER, water balloon shield game
- Steven & Damaris Kjar — WATER CONSTRUCTOR
- Blythe Schultz — POSHIES, pink-haired Blythe is a singer, too!
The Season 2 finale of The Toy Box airs Sunday, November 19 at 7pm on ABC, right before the 2017 American Music Awards, where Christina Aguilera sings a tribute to the late Whitney Houston. (Season 2 of The Toy Box featured a swifter path for entrepreneurs to meet the kid judges, skipping over the 3-adult panel. So this is the first season where the kids alone decide.)