Lifetime’s New York Prison Break: The Seduction of Joyce Mitchell is based on the true story of Joyce Mitchell, the prison seamstress who helped two convicted murderers escape from an upstate New York prison in 2015. After a massive manhunt, both were found. David Sweat (portrayed by Joe Anderson) is now back in a different jail. Richard Matt was shot dead. Mitchell is serving a 7-year sentence for abetting their escape. Mitchell claims that Matt threatened to kill her husband and that she helped them escape in order to protect her family.
[Left: Watford played Capt. Reynolds on Law & Order: SVU]
Richard Matt is portrayed by Myk Watford. He is known for his roles on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Captain Sam Reynolds), The Young and the Restless (Womack), and in the film No Country for Old Men (“Managerial” Victim). New York Prison Break: The Seduction of Joyce Mitchell premieres on Sunday, April 23 at 8pm on Lifetime.