The protagonist of the new HBO comedy Crashing is Pete (Pete Holmes), an aspiring stand-up comedian. His suburban world comes crumbling down when he discovers his college sweetheart wife Jess is having an affair. The emotional upheaval has Pete hitting the pavement in New York City and trying to find his way in the competitive world of standup comedy in Manhattan.
Jess is portrayed by Lauren Lapkus. She’s known for her roles on Orange Is the New Black (Susan Fischer), Are You There, Chelsea? (Dee Dee), House of Lies (Benita Spire), and the TV movie Andy Richter’s Home for the Holidays (Andy’s wife), among others. Lapkus is also recognized for her roles in the films Jurassic World (Vivian) and Adam Sandler’s Blended (Tracy). Crashing airs Sundays at 10:20pm on HBO.