The Dateline NBC episode “In the Dead of Night” tells the story of Wayne and Sharmon Stock, a prominent farming couple in Murdock, Nebraska who were found murdered in their home on April 17, 2006. Gregory Fester II, 19, and his 17-year-old girlfriend Jessica Reid were driving a stolen truck when they came upon the Stock home. They were looking for an empty home to rob. When they discovered the Stocks in their bedroom, they shot them dead.
[The Stock tragedy bears eerie similarities to the murders in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood]
Jessica Reid’s lawyer Tom Olsen described his client as an honor roll student until her parents divorced in 2004. That’s when she started skipping school and dating Fester. Fester’s lawyer Cox says his client has been diagnosed with “attention deficit hyper-activity disorder, depression, adjustment disorder, personality disorder, alcohol dependence and transvestite fetishism.” Both Reid and Fester received maximum life sentences. Dateline NBC airs Saturdays at 8pm.
[related: Wayne Stock’s Nephew Got $2.5 Million After Murder Charge]