The reality TV show Million Dollar Listing New York continues to feature real estate star Ryan Serhant and his fiancee Emilia Bechrakis as they prepare for their wedding in Greece. One of the largest obstacles they face is Ryan’s work schedule. Even when he tries to sneak away and visit his grandmother in Wisconsin, it’s deemed “an inopportune time” work-wise.
Nonetheless, Ryan and Emilia do make it to Wisconsin — but there they face yet another wedding hurdle. When Ryan’s mother says she can’t find his baptismal certificate, it’s revealed that Ryan wasn’t baptized in a Catholic church as Emilia has assumed all these years. (Ryan was raised Congregational.) The news doesn’t sit well with Emilia. “The Greek Church won’t let us get married unless he’s baptized Catholic.” Million Dollar Listing New York airs Thursdays at 9pm on Bravo.