Danielle Thomas was a promising young executive at Weight Watchers in Manhattan. The 27-year-old financial analyst shared an apartment with her Ivy League lawyer boyfriend Jason Bohn in Queens. In June 2012, when Bohn suspected Thomas made a phone call to another man, he beat Thomas her so badly he broke nearly all of her ribs before strangling her to death. In 2014, Bohn was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.
An hour before her death, Thomas reportedly called 911 — a neighbor also called 911 after hearing Thomas screaming — but the NYPD did not respond to the call. The New York Post reported that the Thomas family planned to sue the city. When Bohn heard the news of the potential for a lawsuit, he wrote a strange letter to the late Danielle Thomas from prison: “My attorney recently informed me of the fact that you called 911 when you first got home and I lost my mind. Unfortunately, the police never even came to our door, despite us having issues in the past,” he wrote. “They could have saved two lives that night. I hope your family brings a lawsuit against the city.” 48 Hours will re-air its investigative report on Saturday, August 13 at 10pm on CBS.