On the Little Women: LA episode ‘Twins and Tears,’ while pregnant with twins Elena Gant is rushed to the hospital with preclampsia, Jasmine Arteaga Sorge hosts a baby shower for Briana Renee. But when she asks Briana if she wants Christy McGinity Gibel (Briana’s former BFF) at the shower, Briana says very clearly: no. Jasmine then has to tell Christy that Briana “does not want to include you in the shower, at all.” Christy doesn’t take the news well and clearly does not respect the adage, don’t kill the messenger. Christy says, “I know Briana. You don’t know her, bitch.
Turns out Jasmine does in fact understand Briana’s wishes – she has no plan to reconcile with Christy “anytime soon.” Little Women: LA airs Wednesdays at 9pm on Lifetime.