Lance Bass has agreed to post photos of his hotel rooms. It’s not some frivolous celeb trend on Instagram, it’s for a very good cause – to help stop human trafficking. Photos taken via the TraffickCam app are sent to a national police database. TraffickCam developer Abby Stylianou explains: “Right now there are pictures posted every day. Hundreds of pictures, in every city around the United States, posted online, that show victims of trafficking, in hotel rooms posed on beds,” she said.
TraffickCam asks for four photos (from four different angles) per room which allows policy to querry the database to determine where such pictures of victims were taken. The app was developed by researchers at Washington University and the Exchange Initiative. TraffickCam has collected more than 1.5 million images from the public so far. It is free and available here.
If it helps, I’m in!! Snapping a picture of your hotel room could help stop human trafficking
— Lance Bass (@LanceBass) June 25, 2016