In the Once Upon a Time two-hour season finale episode “Only You; An Untold Story,” Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin), David (Josh Dallas), Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) and Zelena (Rebecca Mader) end up at a mental hospital and are held captive. They’ll need to find a way around very disturbed individuals at the hospital including the Groundskeeper (Hank Harris) and the Orderly.
The Orderly is portrayed by Arnold Pinnock. Born in Birmingham, England, he’s known for his roles on Beauty and the Beast (Agent Thomas), Young Drunk Punk (Mr. Orenstein), and Republic of Doyle (Marco Long), among others. Pinnock is also recognized for his roles in the films The Incredible Hulk, Lars and the Real Girl (Baxter), and Assault on Precinct 13. The two-hour finale of Once Upon a Time airs Sunday, May 15, beginning at 7pm on ABC.