In The Catch episode “The Trail,” Valerie (Rose Rollins) receives a visit from her soon-to-be ex-husband Gordon Bailey (Alan Ruck). He and his sick sister Susan want to hire the team to look into Celinex, a big pharmaceutical company that ran a botched MS clinical trial. 16 patients including Susan ended up in the ICU. The company claimed there were no previous side effects; Gordon wants the team to prove that they were lying.
Susan Bailey is portrayed by Amanda Foreman. She’s known for her roles on MTV’s Awkward. (Mrs. McKibben), Parenthood (Suze Lessing), Private Practice (Katie Kent), Alias (Carrie Bowman), and Felicity (Meghan Rotundi), among others. Foreman is also recognized for her roles in Star Trek Into Darkness (Ensign Brackett) and the 2009 film Star Trek (Hannity). Fun fact: Her father is the late movie producer John Foreman (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Prizzi’s Honor, The Man Who Would Be King). The Catch airs Thursdays at 10pm on ABC.