TV news correspondent Holly Williams is making her debut on 60 Minutes on April 10. She’s reporting on the booming movie industry in China where 22 new movie screens open every day. With China’s studios producing more than 600 feature films a year, box office sales have increased 350 percent over the past five years. Now, Chinese studios are hiring Hollywood directors and stars and making English language films in order to compete with Hollywood.
Australian-born Williams joined CBS News in 2012 and knows China well. Fluent in Mandarin, Williams received the George Polk Award in 2012 for her reporting on Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, after he escaped house arrest and fled to the US Embassy in Beijing. In 2015, she received the Edward R. Murrow Award for her coverage of ISIS. Prior to CBS, Williams was a Beijing-based Asia Correspondent for Sky News, and a producer for BBC News. She was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University (2007-2008), and earned her Master of Arts in International Relations from Deakin University and her Bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies from the Australian National University. 60 Minutes airs Sundays at 7pm on CBS.