Just a week after being baited into saying Democratic rival Hillary Clinton was not “qualified” to be president, Sen. Bernie Sanders walked back that criticism in the most recent debate. On the Brooklyn stage during a fiery, contentious slugfest, Sanders and Clinton were far less friendly than in previous meetings. But Sanders refined his criticism of the former Secretary of State’s qualifications for the Oval Office.
Using “of course” to further downplay the hype that followed his earlier negative assessment of Clinton’s qualifications, Sanders said: “Does Secretary Clinton have the experience and intelligence to be a president? Of course she does. But I do question her judgment. I question a judgment which voted for a war in Iraq, the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of this country.” Clinton, like the other 77 senators who voted yea on the 2002 Congressional Resolution, voted to authorize the president to use force after “diplomatic or other peaceful means” had been exhausted.