The Oxygen docu-series Like a Boss follows four successful, influential men and their hardworking personal assistants working in Atlanta. The four bosses include executive producer Nick Cannon (Drumline, America’s Got Talent), real estate mogul Blair Myers, radio personality Big Tigger, and music executive Abou “Bu” Thiam.
Thiam was born into the music industry. He’s the son of Senegalese drummer Mor Thiam and brother of singer Akon. Bu handled A&R for Akon and helped him build Konvict Muzik and Kon Live Distribution. At 28, Bu was the youngest person to be named Vice President of A&R at Def Jam Records, where he produced Rihanna’s Talk That Talk album and Jay-Z and Kanye West’s collaboration album, Watch the Throne. P.S. Bu’s hardworking assistant is Drekia Glenn. Like a Boss premieres March 29 at 9pm on Oxygen.