In the Limitless episode “Close Encounters,” Brian (Jake McDorman) and Rebecca (Jennifer Carpenter) investigate a citywide blackout and are exposed to an unknown substance. Members of the NYPD immediately place them under quarantine…together. Brian’s mother, Marie Finch, isn’t happy to hear that her son is under quarantine.
Marie Finch is portrayed by Blair Brown. She’s best known for roles on Orange Is the New Black (Judy King), Fringe (Nina Sharp), and The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd (Molly Dodd). Brown is also recognized for her roles in the films Dogville (Mrs. Henson) and Altered States (Emily Jessup), and for her roles on Broadway. She won a Tony Award in 2000 for her featured role in Copenhagen. Limitless airs Tuesdays at 10pm on CBS.