In the Marvel’s Agent Carter episode “Smoke & Mirrors,” Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) and the SSR meet the beautiful Hollywood starlet Whitney Frost. She’s more than a pretty face — she’s married to senate hopeful Calvin Chadwick and she’s hiding the fact that she’s “one of the smartest scientists in the world.” (In the Marvel comics, Whitney Frost becames supervillain Madam Masque.)
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Whitney Frost is portrayed by Wynn Everett. She’s appeared on several TV shows including Grey’s Anatomy, NCIS: Los Angeles and House of Lies, but she’s best known for her recurring roles on The Newsroom (Tamara Hart), Mind Games (Claire Edwards), and Hope & Faith (Grace). Everett is also recognized for her roles in the films Charlie Wilson’s War and The Maiden Heist. Marvel’s Agent Carter airs Tuesdays at 9pm on ABC.