For her emotional role as Ma in the film Room, 26-year-old actress Brie Larson has been nominated for several awards including an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role. One month prior to the Oscars (which airs February 28, 8:30pm, CBS), Larson won an award for Outsanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. While accepting the award at the podium, she told her boyfriend, Alex Greenwald, “I love you.”
Greenwald, 36, is known as the lead singer of the band Phantom Planet with grade school friend, actor Jason Schwartzman. Greenwald has been on the big screen too. He played school bully Seth Devlin in the 2001 cult classic Donnie Darko. When Larson was asked about Greenwald, after accepting the SAG award, she said: “He’s the other half of the equation.”