All of the actors nominated for Oscars will receive swag bags at the Academy Awards. Even the Supporting Actors and Actress including Kate Winslet (Steve Jobs), Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl), Christian Bale (The Big Short) and Sylvester Stallone (Creed). The $200,000 goodie bags are pulled together by Los Angeles company Distinct Assets which describes the contents as “a blend of fabulous, fun and functional items meant to thrill and pamper those who may have everything money can buy but still savor the simple joy of a gift.”
The items vary from a first-class trip to Israel ($55k) to Tools by Gina ($250). Gina is hair expert Gina Rivera, president of national franchise Phenix Salon. (She was recently featured on Undercover Boss.) Tools by Gina use infrared technology to steam hair rather than applying direct heat. The idea is to avoid overfrying hair and provide a natural shine. Think Sly will use his? He’s been known to dabble in enhancement products. The Oscars will be televised on February 28, 2016 at 7pm on ABC.