With the release EVOL, Future is setting a pace that challenges the greatest names in music history. Just two week’s after dropping Purple Reign — with its pointed Prince namecheck — Future has let fly EVOL. Yes, you read that right: a mere two weeks after Purple Reign. In a music world where artists like Adele can take years between albums, Future is burning on Picasso-like, Miles Davis-like fuel — producing music at a pace that in the current music business is rivaled only by Prince.
Miles Davis released more than 75 albums; the number climbs to 138 if you count live shows released. James Brown released 73 studio albums. Picasso probably made more art than any 20th century artist. Prince, who’s still hard at work, has released nearly 50 albums. But that doesn’t even count all the material he’s written for other people — hundreds of songs. Future is gunning for these all-time greats. With EVOL, Future has released SEVEN albums in the last 17 months. It’s a torrid pace of production, matched only by the success of the work. Critics and fans still aren’t through praising Dirty Sprite 2, which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 in July.