On the Family Guy episode “Candy, Quahog Marshmallow,” Peter, Cleveland and Joe find an old VHS tape marked “Winter/Summer.” The tape includes episodes of a Korean soap opera that retired US Navy officer Quagmire (Seth MacFarlane) starred in when he lived in Korea. When the guys can’t find the series finale, they travel to Korea to find it. While abroad, Quaqmire reunites with his former lover Hee-Sun.
Hee-Sun is portrayed by Margaret Cho. Comedian Cho is recognized for her standup and roles on TV shows including Drop Dead Diva (Teri Lee), 30 Rock (Kim Jong-Il), and her own show All American Girl (Margaret Kim). Cho recently appeared on Dr. Ken (as his sister Wendi) and as herself on the reality shows The Haunting Of… and Celebrity Wife Swap. Family Guy airs Sundays at 9pm on FOX.