The Criminal Minds episode “Pariahville” is set in a Florida town populated primarily by sex offenders. The idea of such a town is based on the real “Miracle Park,” a community outside of Pahokee, Florida, where more than 100 sex offenders reside. On the TV show, when a young woman is murdered near the community, the BAU is faced with a large population of suspects. One of the townspeople the BAU interviews is Sheriff Paul Desario, father of dead teenage cheerleader Riley Desario.
[‘Criminal Minds’ Sex Offenders Town Based On Real Florida Town]
Sheriff Desario is portrayed by Joel Gretsch. He’s best known for his roles on NCIS (NCIS Special Agent Stan Burley), Witches of East End (Victor), The Client List (Ranger Captain Reese), V (Father Jack Landry), United States of Tara (Dr. Holden), and the TV mini-series Taken (Colonel Owen Crawford). Criminal Minds airs Wednesdays at 9m on CBS.