Alex Hirsch is the 30-year-old creator of the animated series Gravity Falls. He announced on Tumblr that the show will end after its second second. He makes it clear that the show wasn’t cancelled. It was his call to pull the plug. “There are so many shows that go on endlessly until they lose their original spark, or mysteries that are cancelled before they ever get a chance to payoff,” he writes.
Hirsch gives props to Disney for being supportive of his decision. “I know that hits are rare in this business, and it’s hard to let one of them go, so I’m so grateful that this company [Disney] has had the vision to let me start (and end) the show the way I always wanted to.” Disney XD released its own statement saying: “Alex made the decision to conclude the story at this time, and while we’re disappointed we all won’t have the opportunity to explore more of the Gravity Falls world, we respect his creative vision.”