In the TV movie The Building, a housebound pregnant woman named Jules Wilde tinkers with a new baby monitor. With the new device, she discovers that she can listen in on calls made by her neighbors in her apartment building. It was fun at first but when she overhears a neighbor plotting a murder, things turn scary. When she reports her fears of her neighbor being a murderer, the police don’t believe her.
[Who Is Jules’ Friend Lilly In ‘The Building’ LMN Movie?]
Jules is portrayed by Erica Durance. The Canadian-born actress is best known as the star of the current TV series Saving Hope (Dr. Alex Reid). Americans will recognize her from Smallville as Lois Lane. She played the character for seven seasons! Fun fact about Durance: She was raised on a turkey farm before moving to Vancouver to pursue her acting career. The Building will premiere on LMN on October 16 at 8pm. It will air again on October 17 at 12am and October 24 at 6pm.